Biography and CV (Curriculum Vitae) of Yulia Forde

Who am I?

A guide to wholeness, yoga teacher, yoga therapist and a sound healer.
A certified physiotherapist and rehabilitation specialist as well as a certified scoliosis therapist by Schroth method (Bad Sobernheim, Germany).
Have been teaching yoga since 2006, yoga therapy — since 2008, voice yoga and sound healing — since 2015.
Have been teaching at various courses for yoga teachers since 2009.
A creator of Ayurvedic organic healing cosmetic products Fleur.
Who am I?

A guide to wholeness, yoga teacher, yoga therapist and a sound healer.
A certified physiotherapist and rehabilitation specialist as well as a certified scoliosis therapist by Schroth method (Bad Sobernheim, Germany).
Have been teaching yoga since 2006, yoga therapy — since 2008, voice yoga and sound healing — since 2015.
Have been teaching at various courses for yoga teachers since 2009.
A creator of Ayurvedic organic healing cosmetic products Fleur.
Certified scoliosis therapist by Schroth method (Bad-Sorberheim, Germany, 2013). Certified Aromatherapist (Moscow, 2014). Certified sound-healer (International Sound-healer’s association, Alcalali, Spain, 2015) and a certified voice yoga teacher (Moscow, 2016). Certified yoga teacher for special kids (autism, cerebral palsy, ADHD, Down syndrome (Special Yoga for Special Kids by Jyoti Manuel,, Moscow, 2013).

Author of numerous articles on yoga and yogatherapy, Ayurveda and physical and mental health, columnist of online Russian Yoga Journal.
Curriculum Vitae:

  • 2003 started studying and practicing hatha-yoga at Astanga Yoga Center, Moscow;
  • 2004−2005 — lived and practiced in Germany, mostly in Bremen (Vinni Yoga) and Hamburg (Astanga Vinyasa Yoga);
  • Certificate of Universal Yoga Teacher by Andrei Lappa, Kiev, Ukraine, 2006;
  • starting September 2006 — teaching hatha-yoga at Astanga Yoga Center, Moscow;
  • Certificate of Yoga Teacher by Astanga Yoga Center, 2007 (entitled to lead classes of basic, intermediate and advanced level);
  • Certificate of International Yoga Federation, 2008 (signed by Swamini Yogamatananada, Swamini Dayananda);
  • 2008−2009 — conducting classes, therapy and workshops at "YogaDom", Moscow;
  • from September 2009 — until 2020 teacher of the "Prana" Yoga Center, Moscow;
  • 2010 — Diploma of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism entitling to be occupied with rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Diploma topic: "Possibilities of Rehabilitation of S-shaped Scoliosis of III degree by Means of Hatha-Yoga";
  • Certificate of a Schroth-therapist for Scoliosis, Аsklepios-Klinik, Bad Sobernheim, Germany, July 2013;
  • Certificate of Aromatherapist, Astarta school, Moscow, 2014;
  • from 2014 — until now: creator and maker of Ayurvedic organic healing cosmetic products Fleur;
  • starting 2014 — teaching yoga for kids at the "Big Turtle" Club, Moscow; engagement as a teacher at kids' summer campus 2014, 2015;
  • Certificate at "Special Yoga for Special Kids" by Jo Manuel, April 2015;
  • from January 2018 — until 2020 teacher at the Teachers' Training Course at "Prana": lectures on Ayurveda fundamentals, on Satkarma, on peculiarities women’s practice for health and harmony and lectures on yoga for kids, as well as theoretical and practical basic introductory course on Yoga Therapy;
  • from October 2018 — until now: teacher at the Teachers' Training Course "Acharya": lectures on Ayurveda fundamentals, on Satkarma, on peculiarities women’s practice for health and harmony, as well as theoretical and practical basic introductory course on Yoga Therapy;
  • from October 2018 — until now: author and leader of on- and off-line voice yoga courses for mental health "Celebrate your voice!"
  • from October 2018 — until now: author and leader of on- and off-line women’s circles for female mental and physical health;
  • 2019 — invited and filmed as an expert for the TV show "Medical quest" at the Doctor Channel. Topic: scoliosis therapy
  • 2019 — invited and filmed as an expert for the TV show "Medical quest" at the Doctor Channel. Topic: yoga for female health
  • 2020 — invited and filmed as an expert for the TV show "Medical quest" at the Doctor Channel. Topic: hemorrhoids therapy
  • Author and teacher of the following on- and off-line courses: Yogatherapy of Back and Joints Disorders; Psycosomatics and Yoga Therapy; The Science and The Art of Being a Woman; Celebrate Your Voice (voice yoga for mental health); Ayurveda in a Big City; Awareness course on yama-niyama for mental health "I Am the Source"; Hatha-Yoga ABC; Leader of regular psychosomatic yoga retreats.

Some of my English videos:

Yoga Therapy Sequence for Back Disorders
Sun Salutation – Yoga Therapy Variation for Back and Joints
Sutra Neti Demo
If you wish, you can support me with a donation
You can contact me any way you like