Truth about yoga practice for scoliosis is somewhere in between. For me, it looks like the middle of a deep canyon.

Yoga and scoliosis

Eyes center!

There are different opinions about yoga practice for scoliosis — from blind faith in the power of yoga therapy to the opinion that yoga is not relevant to this issue. And as usual, the truth is somewhere in between. For me, it looks like the middle of a deep canyon.
So let’s go deep into it. Just to be clear, the pronoun "I" is used quite often due to the complexity and contradictory information of the topic. This article is my personal understanding of the issue at the moment, with no claim to be scientific.
I. Scoliosis: what and how?

1. "Knowledge of the disease is half its treatment"

Scoliosis — is a complex progressive disease of the supporting-motor apparatus (the SMA) that affects the whole body. Talking about skeleton, the spine bends abnormally in three planes: frontal, sagittal and horizontal.

In the frontal plane, looking en face, this comes out in the spine bending to the right or the left, what sometimes can be easily identified by the line of shoulder girdle. In the sagittal plane, i.e. looking in profile, — that is increased or decreased physiological spine curves: lordosis (forward bending) and kyphosis (backward bending). In the horizontal plane, looking from above or below, the curvature can be seen in rotation (twisting) of the spine, which changes the shape of the vertebrae very often; and in this case called torsion.

Scoliosis (latin scoliōsis ← greek σκολιός «crooked»)

The scoliosis definition reflects its complex and non-uniform (!) development mechanism even at the skeleton level. Nevertheless, at the level of the motor part of the supporting-motor apparatus (muscles and ligamentous apparatus) it is more complicated.

2. The weakness of strength

The supporting-motor apparatus with scoliotic changes is not a subject to the laws of normal biomechanics, "Scoliosis is always a multiple asymmetric contracture by the motor part of the supporting-motor apparatus, as well as asymmetric changes in the shape of bones so that the whole system functions differently than the upstanding person has". (Christa Lehnert-Schroth "Dreidimensionale Skoliosebehandlung ", 7. Auflage URBAN und FISCHER, Muenchen, S. 49).

Talking about the convex side there is an increased electromyographic muscle activity (or hypertonicity) of both deep and superficial muscles as well as their extension (not physiological stretching!). On the concave side — vice versa, it is a shortening (not contraction!), followed by hypo tonus. (S.A. Bumacov, A.A. Shevchenko and M. Dudin, 1998). Besides "electroexcitability of paraspinal muscles on the convex side of the curve is the same as a healthy person has, but on the concave side it is significantly lower." (Central Nervous System and idiopathic scoliosis M.G. Dudin, D.Y. Pinchuk, Spine surgery 1/2005 (p. 45−55)).

You can encounter the opposite opinion in the literature so far. Some authors (eg, V.A. Epifanov, V.N. Moshkov, R.I. Antufiev, 1990) believe that scoliosis is caused by muscle disbalance or weak core. According to them, this weakness is on the side of the scoliotic curve, while concave side of the muscles are hypertonic. However, we should distinguish between the cause and the effect. Even if we assume that the cause of the left bend of the spine (right sided curve) is a muscle contraction on the left, it does not mean that this contraction sustains the bending for so long. On the contrary, according to common sense and textbooks the muscles on the convex side keep the body from falling. Being shortened the muscles of the concave side cannot be in tonus; that virtually deprives them of the contractile ability.

Nevertheless, there is a kind of reconciliation of these two positions. Muscle hypertension on the convex side of the scoliosis curve does not mean that they are stronger. The fact is that their contractile force is close to zero, because they (a) overstretched and (b) are in a state of so-called "weak reuse". They are simply tired, very, very tired. This is similar to insomnia of an exhausted and overworked person.

"Intense electrical activity of the muscles on the convex side is the result of the fact that they have to bear the weight of the upper parts of the body absolutely alone. They neither hypertrophy nor become stronger as we thought previously. They are too overstretched. They cannot bear the burden alone, and instead of strengthening they weaken" (Christa Lehnert-Schroth" Dreidimensionale Skoliosebehandlung", 7. Auflage URBAN und FISCHER, Muenchen, S. 50).

Experience proves a huge number of asymmetric hypertension accompanies scoliosis. Another thing is that muscles in the state of chronic spasm cannot work properly and for this reason, they are weak point.

3. "Everything has gone wrong in the Oblonsky household."

Let me paraphrase. Each supporting-motor apparatus without scoliotic changes is equally unchanged; each changed one — changed differently.
Spinal curvature in three dimensions causes changes in the bones position of upper limb girdle and lower limb girdle, as well as the chest deformation. These changes do not always follow general rules. Moreover, identical by sight scoliosis can require different approaches to therapy.

Let’s discuss some regularity. Rotation and torsion as a result, i.e. vertebrae torsion, causes chest torsion and deformation, what results in costal hump on the side of the scoliotic curve. As all parts of our body are interconnected, the pelvis and upper limb girdle are also twisted. This twisting usually occurs in the opposite direction with respect to the chest. However, there are exceptions when, for example, the chest and upper limb girdle are twisted simultaneously in one direction relative to the lower part of the lumbar spine and pelvis.

Sscoliosis vertebral torsion

As a rule, all these changes depend both on the amount and direction of the scoliotic curve in the frontal plane and on the scoliosis degree. For example, either muscular embankment and/or rib hump on the right side can be usually observed in case of thoracic dextroscoliosis. At the same time, if you look closely over a man (while he sits), i.e. observing horizontal plane, you can notice a twist of the upper limb girdle in the opposite direction.

What happens to the pelvis is even a more interesting and complicated issue. No doubt — in case of scoliosis the pelvis cannot be in physiological position provided that asymmetric position is often a prime cause in relation to the formation of scoliosis curve.
A "pelvis deviation from the medial vertical line in the process of static curvature compensation leads to the changes in tonus correlation of the lower limb girdle muscles" (AA Haiduk, "Static spine deformation in case of kids and teens' pelvis distortion", 2010).

Scoliosis vertebrae curvature

That can be glaringly obvious. However, in any case, you need to test the muscles, to create a training plan for tonus equalizing of lower limb girdle.

4. A little bird is content with a little nest

A shape of human body affects his/her internal state at different levels.
Any deformation of the supporting-motor apparatus affects each system of human body. Depending on the degree and localization of the curvature following problems can occur:
  • dysfunction of external respiration and, as a consequence, changes in endogenous respiration and development cardiopulmonary decompensation;
  • chronic tissue hypoxia;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • problems in circulation of spinal fluid, what has a negative effect on the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • body asymmetry is accompanied by a significant interhemispheric asymmetry, maintaining scoliotic deformation of the body;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state.
These are just several examples of the most significant aspects of scoliosis process, which are considered for choosing convenient hatha yoga method in order to improve the life quality of those who suffers from scoliosis. However, the main problem is the scoliosis progression, which takes place not only during active growth in adolescence. That is why the first goal for any expert is to prevent progression of the disease.

5. Which way the wind blows

In order to stop the progression of the disease, it is necessary to understand both the mechanism of its development and its causes. Talking about scoliosis, the sticking point is to find its causes. No wonder scoliosis is called "a cancer of orthopedics."

I deliberately do not include any statistics or scientific classification into this article; because they show that each case of scoliosis has its unique features and unique set of reasons. As a cancer, scoliosis is a polyetiologic disease; there is always a lot of reasons and depending on their combination and their degree of domination, different forms of scoliosis are diagnosed.

In recent works of different specialists you can hit upon the idea that scoliosis results from dysfunction of the nervous system (for example, L. Vasilyeva, "Lectures on Applied Kinesiology for scoliosis", "Central nervous system and idiopathic scoliosis" Dudin M.G., D. Pinchuk, "Spinal Surgery" 1/2005 (p. 45−55)). Therefore, it raises the question of applicability of the word "idiopathic" (i. e. proceeding with unknown reason) to scoliosis.

In this article, I am referring to just some of possible causes in order of importance, popularity and complexity of treatment:
  • psychological trauma (including pre-natal);
  • central nervous system disorders: adromia, disorder of nerve impulse conduction, functional disorders of the internal organs, affecting the state of related muscles;
  • conjunctive tissue dysplasia;
  • somatic trauma (including previous diseases and surgery);
  • biochemical causes: hormonal diseases, a lack of certain vitamins and/or nutrients, intoxications.
It must be admitted that it is not always possible to identify all causes of scoliosis. This applies especially to psychosomatic component, which has a key influence (as in Katharina Schroth’s articles). Nevertheless, considering the nature and process of the disease and even a few of its causes, it is possible to relieve patient’s condition, significantly improve the quality of his/her life and slow the progression of scoliosis.

Etiology (causes) and pathogenesis (progression) of Scoliosis is one of the most controversial question in modern science. Consequently, scoliosis treatment is controversial too (if it can be called as treatment at all).

Moreover, it is important to understand whether you need to treat scoliosis or nervous system, which dysfunction could have caused scoliosis.
II. What comes next?

1. "Less is more"

Yoga therapy for scoliosis, as any other disease, should be started with exclusion of actions and positions that may make matters worse. First of all, therefore, I will focus on what can be counterproductive for scoliosis:
  • only symmetrical, as well as intensive and dynamic practice;
  • twisting;
  • classic inverted asanas with axial (compressive) pressure on the spine;
  • flexibility and symmetrical strengthening backbends.
  • Let’s take a look more closely at each of the more contraindications.
  1. Surely, in case of first degree scoliosis a person may attend standard group classes two or three times a week "just for fun." Firstly, it will be useful from a psychological point of view; secondly, it will have a restorative effect on the whole body, and thirdly, if you avoid strictly contraindicated asanas and know how and where to imply necessary asymmetry, at least in Savasana, — such a practice can be reckoned as yoga therapy. However, let us be under no illusions that such a practice will correct existing spinal deformation. Even in case of the first degree scoliosis practice should not be rich with dynamic exercises with short-time fixations and intense power elements. In standard yoga classes, it is rather difficult to pay attention to each peculiarity of the body and there is a risk to make things worse. Signs of unequal practices are the following: exertional breathlessness, rapid heartbeat after exercises, and new or intensified pain syndrome of different organs and muscles, headaches or painful menstruations.
  2. In Hatha yoga, it is rather complicated to find a twist, which does not worsen existing scoliosis. All parts of the spine are interconnected and they twist relative to each other associated with existing scoliotic rotation or torsion. Once again, in case of first degree scoliosis it is not so obvious, and it is more likely that 2−3 times standard yoga classes do not harm and in contrast but will have a stimulating effect on the digestive tract and thereby have a positive impact on the body state.
If scoliosis, it is important to understand the potential danger of making twists such as Ardha Matsyendrāsana, Bharadvājāsana, Marichyasana all Parivritta asanas, i.e. with twists. The thing is that as a rule scoliosis comes with several spine twists (at least two); thus if we try to untwist one part, we deepen the twist of another one. In addition, some studies (S.A. Bumacov, A.A. Shevchenko and Dudin M.G., 1998) show rotating role of deep muscles and derotating role of superficial spinal muscles. This idea is correlated with one of Thomas Myers' assumptions of Anatomy Trains theory (Thomas W. Myers "Anatomy Trains", 2nd edition, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, p. 143). A twist made by a healthy person intends stretching both deep and superficial spinal muscles on one side of the body, and their contraction on the other side. For scoliosis, considering the above-described antagonism of deep and superficial muscles, any twist will cause stretching of superficial muscles and a greater traction of deep spinal muscles on one side and will increase tension of superficial muscles and stretching of deep muscles on the other. Thus, twisting in scoliosis are useless for the spine, and can be harmful for regular practice.

Asanas with twisting for scoliosis

Inverted asanas are contraindicated

3. You should also avoid classic inverted asanas with axial (compressive) pressure on the spine: Śīrsāsana, Sarvāngāsana, Halāsana, Adho Mukha Vrksāsana and Pincha Mayurasana in some cases (in particular, for adults with light scoliosis forms) can be included into practice, but as adjusted versions with supports at least for the first. Viparītakarani Mudra does not have axial (compressive) pressure on the spine, but should be performed only in certain cases and in adjusted version with supports.
4. Backbends are dangerous for two reasons: symmetry and lordosis, accompanied by overtension of both deep and superficial spinal muscles. Again, this exclusion is acceptable for adults with light scoliosis forms. In any case, it should be remembered that biomechanics of body with scoliosis differs from healthy one. And fixation in asanas with deep spinal extension, i.e. backbends, can do significant damage both to the muscles by tightening them further, and to the deformed joints.

Backbends asanas are also contraindicated

2. The power of relaxation

Nowadays, fortunately, many doctors are quite serious that body recovery, even in case of fatal diseases, requires deep relaxation practices and learning awareness (e.g., lectures of D. Shamenkov "Conscious health management"; Danilin, "A pill from death", Isolog, Moscow, 2010).

When a person is relaxed, his/her body activates sanogenic mechanism, i. e. self-recovery sources. Moreover, considering the relation between pathogenesis of scoliosis and peculiarities of nervous and endocrine systems' functioning (M. Dudin, D. Pinchuk "Typical and Atypical AIS. Pathogenesis" Children’s Rehabilitation Center of Orthopedics and Traumatology "Ogonyok" Saint Petersburg, Russia), we have all reason to enjoy the variability of yoga techniques today.

Hatha Yoga techniques, aimed at quieting the mind and body relaxation, are the following: stretching asanas, most of pranayama, and, of course, Savasana.
Let’s consider them one by one.
1. Stretching asanas. These asanas are aimed at stretching of a muscle or a group of muscles. If scoliosis it is especially useful to perform asanas for leg: Supta Padangustasana I, II and III (keeping pelvis on the floor, without twisting), Gomukhāsana, Suptabaddhakonāsana, Virasana versions. These asanas can ease the tension of the connective tissue in the pelvic part and can help to balance tonus of leg muscles. Stretching asanas for shoulder girdle will initiate deep relaxation of the whole body and will restore their traction capability. Garudasana versions for arms, Eka Bhuja Svastikasana (I) and Eka Bhuja Padmasana should be carefully personalized, as well as asanas for legs.
Supta Padangustasana | Eka Bhuja Svastikasana

2. The following Pranayama techniques are especially useful for scoliosis: Full Yoga Breath, Ujjayi prānāyāma, Nadi and Bhramari Shodhana.

Full yoga breath should be practiced in asymmetric adjusted positions with the utmost awareness so to "inflate" into the concave side of the chest. According to Katharina Schroth method, which is one of the most recognized methods of conservative scoliosis treatment, it is called "corrective breathing." Besides calming effect, it activates diaphragm and attention and can improve chest shape and thoracic scoliosis arc.

Ujjayi prānāyāma, i.e. breathing with the glottis slightly engaged, also enhances tonus of parasympathetic nervous system that relaxes in the long run. Moreover, the most important advantage of this breathing for scoliosis is venous oxygen, as well as extension of the respiratory cycle and, therefore, the extension of the necessary corrective biomechanical processes of both inhaling and exhaling on spine and chest.

Bhramari prānāyāma can be practiced even lying on the back (in the adjusted position), focusing on the sound and resonance in the third eye area. This pranayama has a strong relaxing effect and contributes to relaxation of both skeletal and unstrained muscles by increasing nitric oxide production in the sinuses (Simon Borg-Oliver "Applied anatomy and physiology of hatha yoga", YogaSynergy Pty Limited 1995−2009, p. 364). It has been proved that nitric oxide contributes to the fascial relaxation, in other words, the connective tissue of a muscle membrane, which tension always accompanies and according to some sources and initiates scoliosis.

Nadi Shodhana pranayama. This pranayama is very helpful for deep relaxation; it also harmonizes the functions of the left and the right brain, which is extremely important for scoliosis. The position for practice should be chosen individually. In any case, it is a sitting position with a support for working hand’s elbow, which can be left for right-side scoliosis.

Nadi Shodhana pranayama. In everyday life, this does not necessarily look so cumbersome; many patients adapt to doing it at home quite simply.

3. "Savasana" in Sanskrit means "a corpse pose", which implies total absence of any tension in body and mind. It should be performed in adopted asymmetric position with a support such as, see the following photo, lying on one side or on the back with bolsters to provide derotating effect.
Remember that "in the pathogenesis of musculoskeletal disorders the major role belongs to the state of regulatory cerebral mechanisms" (Kogan O.G., Schmidt I.R., Tolstokorov A.A. "Theoretical Foundations of Rehabilitation for vertebral osteochondrosis", Novosibirsk, 1983). Therefore, to improve ascendant brain stimulation and proprioception a person should regularly (twice a day is much better) practice relaxation and exercise correctly. Even 15−20 minutes in the morning, and in evening, can significantly improve the body state and quality of life for scoliosis.

Please, pay special attention to the adapted version of Child’s Pose (Bālāsana) for effective body and mind relaxation, which can be used as a "first aid" for pain syndrome and for rehabilitation after long-lasting vertical positions.


Sutra Neti

Moreover, to optimize regulatory mechanisms of the central nervous system it is very useful to practice Sutra Neti regularly. That is not just nose cleaning technique and improvement of external respiration, but it also stimulates and harmonizes central nervous system and improves cerebrospinal fluid circulation, which is difficult for scoliosis.

Kapalabhati can also benefit nervous and respiratory systems; this technology combines a less pronounced Sutra Neti effect and "switches" a large number of capillaries of air vesicles in the process of gas exchange and strengthens abdominal muscles. However, in case of the third and fourth degree scoliosis when practice Kapalabhati the body position should be symmetrically adapted to equalize length of the abdominal muscles.
3. Topsy-turvy

Despite that the vast majority of specialists consider scoliosis as a problem that requires correction of the locomotor system, it also seems reasonable to work not just outside, but also inside, at least at the body level. Moreover, the interesting question is whether the body wants to get rid of scoliosis completely or not.

It is reasonable to believe that by improving the work of internal organs a person can significantly improve the condition of locomotor system. I assume that any dysfunction of inner organs influences the tone of relevant skeletal muscles by visceromotor reflexes. Secondly, if the major aim is to improve the life quality, a patient has to include cleansing procedures to minimize negative effects of non-physiological position of the internal organs.

It is no secret that the entire digestive system is a key element to the health of the human body. That is immune system, hormonal status, and balance mechanisms of growth (recovery!) and tissue destruction. No surprise, that "stomach" in Slavic languages ​​means"life."

Therefore, you should pay attention to such procedures as Varisara-dhauti (Sankha Prakshalana) and Basti, although do not treat them as a panacea. Especially for liver problems or metabolic products excretion. There is no reason to stop on these procedures in the article. Let me only pay your attention that these procedures may even improve the diaphragm excursion, in addition to improved state and mood.

4. Strategy — to strengthen and tactic — to relax

We have finally got round to the work with locomotor system. A patient with scoliosis has a number of contractures, and muscles cannot perform their functions properly, so yoga therapist’s strategic objective is to create notorious core. But it is a strategy, not a tactic.

We should remember "that a muscle can reach its maximum tension only after a certain degree of pre-stretching" (Shrista Lehnert-Schroth "Dreidimensionale Skoliosebehandlung", 7. Auflage URBAN und FISCHER, Muenchen, S. 50, according to Schmidt-Tews).

Consequently, yoga therapy for scoliosis, in my view, should be carried out in two steps.
First step — is a practice with adequate stretching and relaxation, to increase mobility of the body and improve the functional state of muscles.
Second step — is a gradual introduction of asanas to strengthen various muscles, preferably starting with the leg muscles.
Standing starting position | Cat (Marjariasana) | Correction pose

So-called muscle "pre-stretching" can be achieved in the adjusted positions, such as Mārjāryasana (see Picture below). The asymmetric position of hands and feet, i.e. cranial shift in skull direction, and caudal shift in pelvis direction, respectively, compensates spinal curvatures in the frontal plane, and use of bolsters under respective limbs provides derotation effect. Making wave-motions with small (!) amplitude in Mārjāryasana will also contribute to the reduction of most pathological contractures and muscle shortening.

As for strength training for scoliosis, you should choose either asanas with eccentric tension (i.e. with traction) of shortened muscles, or strictly isometric muscle work (tension without joint movements). According to some authors (e.g., Fischenko V.J., I.A. Lazarev, Roy I.V., 2007), exercises in isometric mode are an effective way of strength training with a possibility to include tensions, when dynamic exercises are not applicable (as for scoliosis), as well as the possibility of locally-directed work on specific muscle group.

It is known that dynamic exercises with insufficient strength of some muscles will redistribute their functions to the other larger and stronger muscles. In this case, weak muscles do not receive proper stimulatory power load and become weaker progressively. Isometric exercises provide an opportunity to improve function of weak muscles, which are involved in the pathological process, allowing minimizing muscle activity of those that are not involved in the pathological process. In addition, isometric exercises have a very important effect in post-isometric relaxation (PIR). Many authors underline that isometric exercises reduce the severity of pain what proves the importance of PIR phenomenon for muscle spasm.

It is rather difficult to describe particular asanas in this article, because they should be carefully selected and adapted individually. You should also give individual recommendations for adjusting asanas in everyday practice.

In general, working with scoliosis, it is necessary to pay special attention to the limbs, with a preliminary test for extensibility and muscle strength. Experience shows that it is better to strengthen back muscles at the last turn. This is primarily due to strong changes in biomechanics of the deformed spine, and correlation between all muscles of the body. If we divide the spine into sections, it is possible to say that the leg (including the foot!) gives you access to the correct position of the pelvis and lower back, while a hand — to the neck and thoracic.

All asanas should be practiced with asymmetrical breath, "inflating" the concave part of the body, and asanas adjustments, I fully agree with Katharina Schroth, should be based on the patient’s appearance. If asana corrects scoliotic curve, then most likely it is suitable.

A person attending standard group yoga classes should adapt classic standing postures such as Trikonasana Utthita, Utthita Parshvakonasana, Virabhadrasana 1 and 2 or practice them only on one side.

Left leg Trikonasana | Right leg Trikonasana

5. Summary

Let’s sum up all the ideas. I think that yoga therapy for scoliosis should be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Teaching of general relaxation skills;
  2. Teaching of diaphragmatic and asymmetric "correcting" breath;
  3. Teaching of correction methods for scoliotic deformation in daily routine (for example, using bolsters under pelvis in a sitting position; teaching to work with footsteps in standing positions; teaching of adapted sleeping position;
  4. Carefully increase the mobility of the locomotor system;
  5. Strengthening the muscles of footsteps, lower legs, thighs, buttocks, abdomen and pelvic diaphragm in isometric (constant muscle length) and/or eccentric (with muscle lengthening) modes.

P. S. a little bit of TNT for dessert :)

Now, sit down in a comfortable position and get ready for … brain explosion. All pros and cons for yoga practice mentioned in this article are not absolute. In each case it is necessary to peer and listen to the patient, as well as to listen to your own intuition. And regular yoga practice is highly recommended in almost all cases.

Surprisingly, quite often people blamed Soviet exercise therapy for scoliosis, when the practice was based on the dynamic exercises, strengthening muscles on the side of scoliosis curve, as well as the use of corsets and gypsum beds, — it all had positive results. Why? I’ve been always asking myself. And the answers are different. Placebo effect. Yes of course. Especially if the doctor believed in the success not less than his patient did. I have no doubts that the sum of faith vectors of two people can change the world. Or maybe these ones who practiced Soviet gymnastics were just lucky, as these exercises were suitable for their individual peculiarities? — Why not.

I have similar thoughts about Schroth’s method. While Katharina Schroth, the founder of the method, was alive the results were quite impressive. She believed, and people believed her, and she was working with everyone, she was interested in everyone, she wrote and spoke a lot about importance to work with "patient's spirit." Now it is hardly possible for objective reasons. To get into her clinic and become one of nearly 200 patients you have to "defend" the place.

Continuing our topic on brain explosion, I want to share a couple of amazing stories from practice. One day in 2014 I was approached by a lovely cheerful man born in 1932. It was not about scoliosis, he did not have it. During the practice I found out that since his 10 years the man had been living with one leg shorter than the second one on 2 centimeters as a result of improper fusion of broken femur. And there was no scoliosis, at least, without making X-rays.

Here is another mysterious story. It is about three sisters, daughters of the same parents, whose family did not have scoliosis. The eldest was a tall girl, 180 cm height. In her childhood, she played the flute and volleyball. No scoliosis at all. Her younger sisters, twins, were not so high, a right-handed, played domra (instrument similar to the guitar), and volleyball, and the other left-handed, played the flute and volleyball. Both had the same shape and scoliosis degree: C-shaped, the third degree.

I have a whole collection of stories and refer here only to the brightest ones. Both stories show insignificancy of external factors in scoliosis formation, and a substantial and yet unexplored role of internal factors. This makes me understand the necessity to work on the body to make it feel better, so — to practice inner concentration and develop awareness, learning that a person is a glittering diamond on the body of the universe and he/she constantly goes through the transformation process in his/her Life’s hands.