
«Children with disabilities»

Children with Down syndrome, infantile cerebral palsy (ICP), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as children with different forms of autism nowadays, fortunately, are referred to "special" or gently "little specials". However, official terminology sounds like a death sentence without appeal, "children with disabilities". "Stigma" as an eloquently named, narrowly popular documentary by Olga Arlauskas about such children.

They say, as you name the boat, so shall it float. That is why using the phrase "…with disabilities" is just to harm such children and their parents. It is worth considering what kind of opportunities is limited to the child. These limits are social, due to stereotypical understanding of so-called "norm". This stereotype is Procrustean bed, focused on external criteria, without paying attention to the essence, "what is essential is invisible to the eye," according to Fox from Exupéry’s «Little Prince». And the essence of any person is a divine spark — the soul.
If we forget about it, if we are indifferent or just ignore it, we get the disease. Society diseases. Diseases of each person. Diseases of our children. After all, any disease is a reflection of disharmony, violation of the Divine plan. The disease often pushes us to be aware of these disharmony manifestations, it pushes to change the way of thinking and consciousness, in fact, it pushes each single person to his personal evolution, it turns him to spirituality.

Everything changes, but in our difficult and interesting time, it happens even more quickly. Nowadays there are more communities of parents who put so much love in raising their children with special needs. Alternative methods to assist such children and their parents gain popularity. The most important thing, the idea, which becomes more widely accepted, is that a child, no matter how he or she differs from the others by appearance, physical or communicative abilities, he/she is primarily the soul. In this way he/she is equal to any person.

When this idea is put at the heart, it makes things clear and shows the opportunities. First of all, parents begin to realize that the soul has its own objectives, and everything is given to implement them, including the appropriate body. Of course, a "special" child needs "special" care. That is why any support and help of the others is very important, and the support that can a parent provide for himself and his "little special."

Such support, first of all, is about appealing to spirituality. Spiritual practice.
Constant hard work on the "reminding" ourselves about our place in this world, to re-establish connection with God. Prayer. Meditation. To simplify, it can be compared to fitness for the mind and soul. Anyway, it's the same hard work as we do in the gym, striving for the perfect body shape.

But physical body is just a temporary resting place of the soul, and its condition is directly related to the strength of the connection with the divine parents. Moreover, body condition has little effect on our ability to be happy and share happiness with the others. However, it is a state of joy that we are always looking for, and it is rather essential for "little specials" and their parents. In this matter, we all have equal opportunities. So many saints shared their celestial happiness with the others "suffering" from cancer and blessing God for this disease!

Our ability to share love, to bring peace and joy to the hearts of people is due to our connection with the Divine Mother. And how much love, joy and peace should be translated to the hearts of "special" children?! Lots and lots! Perhaps more than to anyone else. After all, very often these children find it difficult to accept their "specialty"! Those parents who have managed to find a "foothold", and focus on the needs of the child rather than on their difficulties, as experience shows, raise their “little specials" much happier and easier. And these kids are blessed with it.

These parents often turn to alternative methods of help to their children — such as yoga. The word "yoga" – means "connection", "unity". It is an ancient science of achieving harmony of body, mind and soul, and unity of the individual soul – a part – with the Universal - God, or, in other words, knowledge of getting back to Basics. Yoga for "special" children - is primarily a work with the body and the psyche, aimed at restoring relations between the mind, body and soul of the child. This work is carried out mainly through the physical practice: sound (singing), breathing and movement aimed to create maximum opportunities to achieve this state of tranquility and presence. In each case, it occurs and is expressed in different ways. It may be some physical improvements of the child's body, and establishing "friendly relations" with the body and the environment, and a greater degree of mental equilibrium of these kids. For example, a child with cerebral palsy, who is aware of his state, has difficulties to reconcile with his body, uncontrollable muscle spasms and a lack of control over them. In most cases, with a proper yoga practice, it is possible to reduce spasticity and improve the psycho-emotional state of the child.
However, it is important to remember that the key to success is our faith, trust and respect of life, its flow, the belief in boundless love of Great Mother and Father to each of us; they lead us, indolent pupils, in every possible and impossible ways to the light, joy and unity in love. Productive work is possible only with prayer, with recourse to the divine parents, and trust in their favor.

Who knows, maybe these “little specials” come into this world to remind other people about the most important thing — about our spiritual nature.